Areeba Habib

Areeba Habib Date of Birth
Areeba Habib was conceived on May 1, 1993.
Areeba Habib Age
Areeba Habib is 25 years of age.
Beginning Of Acting Career
Numerous individuals need to know why an effective model like Areeba who could have proceeded with her demonstrating profession for some more years to come, chose to venture into the universe of acting. While giving a meeting to Instep, Areeba shared that she particularly tried out for this job when she discovered that it was being advertised. She likewise said that the throwing group had different sessions with her for 90 days before at long last picking her for the job. Areeba does not have any desire to surrender demonstrating, she needs to proceed both going about just as displaying.
Areeba Habib's Apology To Zara Noor Abbas
Numerous individuals don't have the foggiest idea about that Areeba Habib is a similar model who ridiculed Zara Noor Abbas when she strolled on the slope in one of the mold appears. This video was transferred on instagram in which Areeba alongside a portion of her companions was ridiculing Zara. Zara Noor Abbas reprimanded the model nation and later on Areeba Habib apologized publically.
Message For Fans
While advancing her show, Areeba additionally had a vital message for her fans. She said that simply having a pretty face isn't sufficient yet acting includes a great deal of diligent work and enthusiasm. She likewise said that an individual can come into this field with contacts yet so as to remain in this field and become famous, you need to buckle down.
Areeba Habib's Pictures